Distance: 25km
As we were trying to pack up our stuff this morning, we had a lot of interference from a furry friend.
Breakfast was a bit later than usual, as it was provided by the trail angels we were staying with and by the time we were on trail, it was past 10am! We tried making good time, but within an hour or two, we were flagging. Our breakfast has consisted of sugary cereal, white bread and chocolate spread, with not enough peanut butter. All that sugar helped us start, but didn’t keep us going in high spirits for long.
Luckily, lunch today was gourmet. We had an avocado with us and some multi grain bread, and that helped us get all the way to camp with no further issues and in a good mood.
Tonight’s campsite is quite busy. Even though we are the only TA walkers here, there are bike packers and canoers at this site as well. Tomorrow we will join the canoers in what they call a Canadian canoe for the next 5 days until we reach Whanganui. I’m looking forward to putting some of the skills I learned at summer camp to good use!